Frequently Asked Questions

Technical Questions

What are the primary technologies used in your solutions?

We believe technology should be utilized in response to the project at hand, rather than fit the project within a specific technology. For new projects, if no preference from the client is stated, Runic will likely focus their efforts utilizing Microsoft .net Framework for back end development, while the front end would be written on the Xamarin platform.

For existing projects, we are currently very active and very knowledgeable in the following frameworks: Microsoft .net, ReactNative, NodeJS, MeteorJS, AngularJS, Foundation Framework and SASS.  


I don’t have product specs / technical docs of what I want to build. Do I need them?

Nope! Runic can assist you with designing the core concepts of your application. We accomplish this by meeting with you and any additional key individuals within your organization to understand a broad picture of your needs. From here, we create the documentation and planning necessary to ensure a robust solution.

Can Runic work alongside our internal development team?

We are open to the possibility and have worked in conjunction with internal developers or additional external resources our clients may use. Due to the uniqueness of these circumstances, we will work with you to determine your needs, and provide terms and conditions based on the working relationship and project expectations.

What types of code, frameworks and platforms do you build products in?

  • API & Desktop: c#,, XAML, WPF, PHP

  • Front End: Javascript, HTML, CSS

  • Data: TSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Firebase, XML, JSON


  • Xamarin

  • React Native

  • NodeJS

  • AngularJS

  • MeteorJS

  • KnockoutJS

  • Foundation

  • Wordpress

Project Questions

I have a new product idea or process that I’d like to streamline. What’s the next step?

Let’s talk! Our founder, Nick Davis, would be happy to provide a high level consultation regarding your product ideas and process innovations. New projects are always exciting as it provides both you and Runic an empty canvas. This consultation would likely include a quick discussion on the project itself, your goals, ballpark deadlines as well as a little bit about yourself and a little bit about Runic. We’ll share our contact information at the end of the presentation.


I have an existing project. Can Runic support and maintain it?

Short answer, likely yes. Our involvement depends on:

  • What code, framework and/or platforms where the existing project resides

  • The integrity of the project

  • Existing contracts and agreements with other vendors

  • Licenses and services needed to maintain the project

  • Access to source code, databases and resources

I have an unfinished project. Can you carry it to the finish line?

Short answer, likely yes. Runic has a history of assisting clients by breathing new life into unfinished projects. We treat unfinished projects similarly to existing projects. However, there are additional factors to think about for unfinished projects. We request:Reassessment of original deadlines and budgetsOriginal scope and documentation if providedIt is possible that a rewrite may be strongly recommended in an effort to provide a cohesive end product.

Service Questions

If I were to contact Runic, what should I expect?

Our process is pretty straight-forward. We schedule an initial meeting to connect with our founder, and participate in a discovery meeting to determine your project needs, desired functionality, foreseeable deadlines and budget requirements. If we find ourselves in mutual agreement, we’ll prepare a contract and host a kick-off meeting.

From there, we’ll launch ideation and strategy sessions and explore key functionality, pain points of existing processes, creating an integration strategy with existing systems, and defining new processes that accommodate growth and change. We’ll define your MVP (Minimal Viable Product), create timelines and project goals, source right-fit tools, components and libraries before building wireframes and technical documentations.

Following these sessions, Runic will design your product solution(s) and deliver the appropriate technical documentation for your review and sign-off before Runic embarks on the development phase.

Finally, we’ll test your product and ensure all project goals and needs are met. If we enjoyed a productive and fruitful working relationship, we’d be honored to discuss the possibility of a long-term partnership. If desired, we’ll continue to offer the following: provide maintenance and support for your project after sign off, monitor project uptime and stability, and offer scalable solutions as your app grows and evolves.

Will you trade services for stake in my company or product?

At Runic, we strive to maintain a laser-sharp focus on the four core services to all of our clients: strategy, design, development and maintenance. In an effort to maintain this focus, no matter how amazing the company is or how revolutionary the product is, Runic is a business-to-business software development company and nothing else.We would be honored to work with you, however, in the form where traditional service-oriented boundaries are in place and respected.